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- xpkmaster.library/XpkAllocObject
- xpkmaster.library/XpkClose
- xpkmaster.library/XpkExamine
- xpkmaster.library/XpkFault
- xpkmaster.library/XpkFreeObject
- xpkmaster.library/XpkOpen
- xpkmaster.library/XpkPack
- xpkmaster.library/XpkPassRequest
- xpkmaster.library/XpkPrintFault
- xpkmaster.library/XpkQuery
- xpkmaster.library/XpkRead
- xpkmaster.library/XpkUnpack
- xpkmaster.library/XpkWrite
- xpkmaster.library/--tags--
- xpkmaster.library/--progress--
- xpkmaster.library/--data hooks--
- xpkmaster.library/XpkAllocObject xpkmaster.library/XpkAllocObject
- XpkAllocObject - Allocate memory for xpk related structures (V4)
- ptr = XpkAllocObject(type, tags)
- D0 D0 A0
- APTR XpkAllocObject(ULONG , struct TagItem *)
- ptr = XpkAllocObjectTags(type, firsttag, ...)
- APTR XpkAllocObjectTags(ULONG, Tag, ...)
- This function allocates the memory of a needed xpk related
- structure and initializes it. It should help to bring better
- upwards compatibility in next versions. Use it always in newer code.
- type - in xpk/xpk.h defined XPKOBJ_... types.
- for example XPKOBJ_FIB alloctes XpkFib structure
- tags - Pointer to an array of struct TagItem. No tags defined
- at the moment.
- ptr - Pointer to allocated memory of needed size or 0 when an
- error occured.
- xpk/xpk.h, XpkFreeObject()
- xpkmaster.library/XpkClose xpkmaster.library/XpkClose
- XpkClose - Close an XPK-File
- err = XpkClose(xfh)
- D0 A0
- LONG XpkClose(struct XpkFib *)
- Frees all resources associated with packing or unpacking an
- XPK-File. Note that this may well fail, especially on packing,
- since additional writes have to be made here.
- xfh - The Struct XpkFib obtained from XpkOpen()
- err - Global Xpk error code
- XpkOpen(), XpkRead(), XpkWrite()
- xpkmaster.library/XpkExamine xpkmaster.library/XpkExamine
- XpkExamine - Get information about a compressed file
- err = XpkExamine(fib, tags)
- D0 A0 A1
- LONG XpkExamine(struct XpkFib *, struct TagItem *)
- err = XpkExamineTags(fib, firsttag, ...)
- LONG XpkExamineTags(ULONG, Tag, ...)
- Returns information about compressed data. The output is written
- to the XpkFib structure whose address is passed with the mandatory
- XPK_FileExamine tag. You also have to specify an XPK_In* tag. Note
- that the file position of the in hook will not be altered.
- XPK_GetError is supported.
- A tag field has to end with TAG_DONE.
- tags - Pointer to an array of struct TagItem. You may use
- either a XPK_InBuf, a XPK_InName, XPK_InFH or XPK_InHook
- tag.
- err - Global Xpk error code
- xpk/xpk.h
- xpkmaster.library/XpkFault xpkmaster.library/XpkFault
- XpkFault - Returns the text associated with a Xpk error code (V4)
- len = XpkFault(code, header, buffer, len)
- D0 D0 A0 A1 D1
- This routine obtains the error message text for the given error code.
- The header is prepended to the text of the error message, followed
- by a colon. Puts a null-terminated string for the error message into
- the buffer. At most len bytes are written to buffer.
- code - Error code (negative value or 0)
- header - header to output before error text
- buffer - Buffer to receive error message.
- len - Length of the buffer.
- len - number of characters put into buffer (may be 0)
- XpkPrintFault()
- xpkmaster.library/XpkFreeObject xpkmaster.library/XpkFreeObject
- XpkFreeObject - Frees memory allocated with XpkAllocObject() (V4)
- XpkFreeObject(type, object)
- D0 A0
- void XpkFreeObject(ULONG , APTR)
- Frees object allocated by XpkAllocObject(). Do not call for objects
- allocated in any other way.
- type - type passed to XpkAllocObject()
- object - pointer returned by XpkAllocObject()
- xpk/xpk.h, XpkAllocObject()
- xpkmaster.library/XpkOpen xpkmaster.library/XpkOpen
- XpkOpen - Open a compressed file for partial reading
- err = XpkOpen(xfh,tags)
- D0 A0 A1
- LONG XpkOpen(struct XpkFib **xfh, struct TagItem *)
- Using XpkOpen you can read or write an XPK file without ever having
- all of the file present in RAM. On reading, you cannot pick the
- size of the chunks. They are given by the file to be decompressed
- and may be up to the whole size of the file.
- XPK_GetError is supported.
- xfh - Address of a pointer to struct XpkFib
- tags - Specifying XPK_PackMethod will chose packing mode for
- this filehandle. Only In-tags are permitted in case
- of unpacking, and only Out-tags are in case of packing.
- Anything else will yield undefined results. Progress
- reports not supported. When packing, you must supply
- XPK_InLen as well.
- xfh - The filehandle. Consists of an XpkFib and some private
- information. The NLen field in the XpkFib indicates the
- length of the next chunk.
- err - Global Xpk error code. If nonzero, no XpkFib was allocated.
- XpkRead(), XpkWrite(), XpkClose(), xpkmaster.library/--tags--
- xpkmaster.library/XpkPack xpkmaster.library/XpkPack
- XpkPack - Compress a data stream
- err = XpkPack(tags)
- D0 A0
- LONG XpkPack(struct TagItem *)
- err = XpkPackTags(firsttag, ...)
- LONG XpkPackTags(ULONG, Tag, ...)
- Compresses a file or a memory area to a different file or memory
- area. You need to specify at least one XPK_In... tag, at least
- one XPK_Out... tag, plus XPK_PackMethod.
- XPK_GetError is supported.
- A tag field has to end with TAG_DONE.
- tags - Pointer to an array of struct TagItem. See xpkmaster/--tags--
- err - Global Xpk error code.
- xpkmaster.library/--tags--, xpk/xpk.c
- xpkmaster.library/XpkPassRequest xpkmaster.library/XpkPassRequest
- XpkPassRequest - opens a password Requester (V4)
- err = XpkPassRequest(tags)
- D0 A0
- LONG XpkPassRequest(struct TagItem *)
- err = XpkPassRequestTags(firsttag, ...)
- LONG XpkPassRequestTags(ULONG, Tag, ...)
- Opens a requester to ask the user for a password. The requester
- can ask for a password or a 16/32 bit key. It has a tunable
- timeout to allow batch work.
- tags - Pointer to an array of struct TagItem.
- Either XPK_Preferences or one of the following:
- XPK_PassChars (ULONG)
- Tell the requester which characters are allowed in the password.
- Use XPKPASSFLG_... and XPKPASSFF_... defines.
- XPK_PasswordBuf (STRPTR)
- Pointer to memory area, where the password should be stored.
- Requires XPK_PassBuffSize tag.
- XPK_PassBufSize (ULONG)
- Size of the buffer passed with XPK_PasswordBuf.
- XPK_Key16BitPtr (UWORD *)
- Ask for an 16 bit key instead of a password. Data is a pointer
- to a 16 bit (UWORD) variable.
- XPK_Key32BitPtr (ULONG *)
- Ask for an 32 bit key. Data points to a 32 bit (ULONG) variable.
- XPK_PubScreen (struct Screen *)
- Pointer of type struct Screen of the public screen, the
- requester should open on. If not given, the requester opens on
- default public screen.
- XPK_PassTitle (STRPTR)
- Is the text, which is shown in the title line of the screen. If
- not given, the internal defaults are used.
- XPK_TimeOut (ULONG)
- Time after which the requester should close automatically, when
- no user action happend. 0 means no timeout.
- err - Global Xpk error code.
- xpk/xpk.c
- xpkmaster.library/XpkPrintFault xpkmaster.library/XpkPrintFault
- XpkPrintFault - Prints the text associated with a Xpk error code (V4)
- success = XpkPrintFault(code, header)
- D0 D0 A0
- BOOL XpkPrintFault(LONG, STRPTR)
- This routine obtains and prints the error message text for the
- given error code. This is similar to the XpkFault() function,
- except that the output is written to the default output
- channel with buffered output.
- code - Error code (negative value or 0)
- header - header to output before error text
- success - Success/failure code. Return of 0 means failure.
- XpkFault()
- xpkmaster.library/XpkQuery xpkmaster.library/XpkQuery
- XpkQuery - Gain information about packers
- err = XpkQuery(tags)
- D0 A0
- LONG XpkQuery(struct TagItem *)
- err = XpkQueryTags(firsttag, ...)
- LONG XpkQueryTags(ULONG, Tag, ... )
- Finds out a list of available packers or various parameters of a
- packer. When using the tag XPK_PackersQuery, you must supply a
- XpkPackerList structure and will receive a list of available
- packers. The second possibility, XPK_PackerQuery, expects a
- pointer to a XpkPackerInfo structure which will be filled in with
- information about a packer, and XPK_ModeQuery fills in a XpkMode
- structure with information about some mode (or the default mode)
- of a packer. XPK_PackMethod must be present among the tags for
- the latter two, and XPK_PackMode can be for ModeQuery.
- XPK_GetError is supported.
- Pass {XPK_Preferences, FALSE} as tags to disable the dummy packer
- USER, which implements the preferences packing.Then handle the
- preferences mode internally, as the statistics passed with
- XPK_ModeQuery and XPK_PackerQuery are not very useful.
- err - Global Xpk error code.
- xpk/xpk.h
- xpkmaster.library/XpkRead xpkmaster.library/XpkRead
- XpkRead - Unpack one part of an XPK-File
- read = XpkRead( xfh, buf, len )
- D0 A0 A1 D0
- LONG XpkRead(struct XpkFib *, UBYTE *, LONG)
- Reads one chunk from an XPK-file and decompresses it to the
- memory area indicated.
- xfh - The XpkFib obtained from XpkOpen(). It must be a read-
- handle, ie. there was no XPK_PackMethod tag among the
- tags passed to XpkOpen().
- buf - The memory area to write the destination to
- len - The number uncompressed bytes to output. Note that you
- cannot choose these freely but must take them from
- the NLen field in the XpkFib.
- read - The number of bytes read. 0 indicates EOF, negative
- numbers are global error codes. Long error messages
- written to buffer passed through XPK_GetError in
- XpkOpen(). This number of bytes read will usually be
- smaller than the number requested!
- XpkOpen(), XpkWrite(), XpkClose(), examples/
- xpkmaster.library/XpkUnpack xpkmaster.library/XpkUnpack
- XpkUnpack - Decompress a data stream
- err = XpkUnpack(tags)
- D0 A0
- LONG XpkUnpack(struct TagItem *)
- err = XpkUnpackTags(firsttag, ...)
- LONG XpkUnpackTags(ULONG, Tag, ...)
- Decompresses a file or a memory area to a different file or memory
- area. You need to specify at least one XPK_In... tag, at least
- one XPK_Out... tag. A tag field has to end with TAG_DONE.
- XPK_GetError is supported.
- tags - Pointer to an array of struct TagItem. See xpkmaster/tags
- err - Global Xpk error code.
- xpkmaster.library/--tags--
- xpkmaster.library/XpkWrite xpkmaster.library/XpkWrite
- XpkWrite - Pack one part of an XPK-File
- read = XpkWrite(xfh, buf, len)
- D0 A0 A1 D0
- LONG XpkWrite(struct XpkFib *, UBYTE *, LONG)
- Compresses the memory area indicated and writes it to an
- XPK-File.
- xfh - The XpkFib obtained from XpkOpen(). Must be a write-
- handle, ie. XPK_PackMethod must have been among the
- tags passed to XpkOpen().
- buf - The memory area to compress
- len - The number bytes to compress. Note you may not choose
- them freely, you must always deliver as many bytes
- as the NLen field of the XpkFib indicates. You may try
- to influence it by passing XPK_ChunkLen to XpkOpen().
- Important: The first chunk written *must* be the
- biggest!
- written - The number of bytes written. 0 indicates EOF, negative
- numbers are global error codes. Error messages are
- written to buffer passed through XPK_GetError in
- XpkOpen().
- XpkOpen(), XpkRead(), XpkClose(), examples/
- xpkmaster.library/--tags-- xpkmaster.library/--tags--
- THE TAGS FOR XpkPack() AND XpkUnpack()
- THE INPUT TAGS. One of the four must be present.
- Name of file to (de)compress. On packing, XPK_InLen can be
- specified in order to pack only the first N bytes. On de-
- compression, only one file will be decompressed, even if
- there are additional data at the end.
- File handle to (de)compress from. It is not necessary that
- the handle is at the beginning of the file. Otherwise same
- rules as in XPK_InName apply.
- Memory block to (de)compress. If you use this one, you
- have to specify InLen as well.
- XPK_InHook (struct Hook *)
- Hookfunc to deliver data for (de)compression. See special
- chapter on I/O hook functions. Must also supply XPK_InLen.
- XPK_InLen (LONG)
- Specifies the number of bytes to read when compressing.
- ignored on decompression.
- THE OUTPUT TAGS. One of the five must be present.
- XPK_OutName (STRPTR)
- Name of file write (de)compressed data to.
- File handle to append (de)compressed data to.
- XPK_OutBuf (APTR)
- The memory block to write (de)compressed data to. Must also
- supply XPK_OutBufLen. On packing, its size must be at least
- inlen+inlen/32+2*XPK_MARGIN. On unpacking, it needs only be
- outlen+XPK_MARGIN. Use XpkExamine() to find out outlen. Note
- that this buffer must be word aligned.
- XPK_GetOutBuf (APTR *)
- Allocates a block of appropriate size and stores a pointer to
- it in the variable pointed to by ti_Data. Must also supply
- XPK_GetOutBufLen plus XPK_GetOutLen and can XPK_OutMemType.
- XPK_OutHook (struct Hook *)
- Hookfunc to accept (de)compressed data. See special chapter
- on I/O hook functions.
- XPK_OutBufLen (LONG)
- The length of the output buffer you supply using XPK_OutBuf.
- For decompression, must be decompressed size (see XpkExamine())
- plus XPK_MARGIN. For compression, inlen+inlen/32+2*XPK_MARGIN.
- XPK_GetOutLen (LONG *)
- Stores the total length of the (de)compressed data in the variable
- pointed to by ti_Data. Note: V2 of xpkmaster required for correct
- operation on compression.
- XPK_GetOutBufLen (LONG *)
- Stores the length of the buffer allocated for the data in the
- variable pointed to by ti_Data. FreeMem() the buffer you get
- from XPK_GetOutBuf with the length you get from XPK_GetOutBufLen.
- Note: For the number of bytes written, refer to XPK_GetOutLen!
- XPK_OutMemType (LONG)
- The type of memory to use for the output buffer.
- XPK_PackMethod (STRPTR)
- Use indicated method for packing. This would be a four
- letter string of uppercase characters and numbers.
- XPK_PackMode (LONG)
- Packing mode for sublib to use. Range is 0...100, where 100 is
- most efficient.
- XPK_StepDown (BOOL)
- Reduce packing efficiency to save mem if necessary.
- XPK_ChunkSize (LONG)
- Chunk size to try to pack with. May be altered by the
- master library.
- XPK_LossyOK (BOOL)
- Some packers, like MPEG, reduce the file size by deleting some
- information. These information cannot be restored. This tag
- tells xpkmaster.library if it is ok for you, that some
- information is deleted. It is FALSE by default. Use it with
- care! Should be used only with sound or picture files.
- XPK_PackersQuery (struct XpkPackerList *)
- Returns an array of available packers names in the XPLIST
- structure whose address is stored in the ti_Data field
- of this tag.
- XPK_PackerQuery (struct XpkPackerInfo *)
- Returns information about one single packer in the XPINFO
- structure whose address is stored in the ti_Data field
- of this tag. See xpk/xpk.h for the meaning of the
- fields therein. You must also supply XPK_PackMode.
- XPK_ModeQuery (struct XpkMode *)
- Returns information about one single packer mode in the
- XPINFO structure whose address is stored in the ti_Data
- field of this tag. See xpk/xpk.h for the meaning of
- the fields therein. You must also supply XPK_PackMethod
- and optionally XPK_PackMode (or a mode in the PackMethod
- string), otherwise the default mode will be used.
- XPK_GetError (STRPTR)
- Write error msg to the buffer passed. The buffer must be of
- size XPKERRMSGSIZE. This function calls XpkFault internally.
- XPK_Password (STRPTR)
- Use password for en- or decoding. Passing a NULL pointer or
- zero length string is equivalent to omitting this tag.
- XPK_ChunkHook (struct Hook *)
- Hook function to call between chunks. Can print a progress
- report, and if it returns a nonzero value, the (de)compression
- will be aborted. See special chapter on chunk functions.
- XPK_PassThru (BOOL)
- If true, data will just be handed trough on decompression if they
- were not packed. Otherwise you get XPKERR_NOTPACKED.
- XPK_TaskPri (UBYTE)
- The task priority to use during the (de)crunching. Use -1 for
- background decompression.
- XPK_FileName (STRPTR)
- The name to print in the progress report. If none is given, the
- InName will be used when packing and the OutName when unpacking.
- XPK_UseXfdMaster (BOOL) (V4)
- If TRUE, xfdmaster.library will be used for checking unknown
- files. Useable with XpkUnpack() and XpkExamine(). Is FALSE by
- default, but depends on preference settings.
- XPK_UseExternals (BOOL) (V4)
- If TRUE, xex libraries in LIBS:compressors/extern will be used
- to check for crunched files. Useable with XpkUnpack() and
- XpkExamine(). Default value is TRUE (depends on prefs!)
- XPK_PassRequest (BOOL) (V4)
- If this is set a requester will be used to query the user for a
- password, if none is given. Useable with XpkPack(). This is
- disabled by default, but can be overridden using preferences
- settings.
- XPK_Preferences (BOOL) (V4)
- Tell xpkmaster.library whether to use its preferences system,
- or not. This is enabled by default.
- XPK_ChunkReport (BOOL) (V4)
- If this tag is set, xpkmaster.library brings an automatic chunk
- report request (when the preferences semaphore has a valid
- function for that). This is disabled by default.
- xpkmaster.library/--progress-- xpkmaster.library/--progress--
- The progress report function is a standard hook function that will
- be called after every chunk (de)compressed. This will be about
- every 30K, or just twice if the file format is not split in chunks.
- If the field h_Entry in the hook is set, it will be called with
- the hook itself in A0 and the progress report structure in A1.
- If the progress report function returns a nonzero value,
- (de)compression aborts.
- NOTE: Because hooks are not called in program environment, they
- cannot be used in small data model of some compilers, as register
- A4 is not passed through. So the hook either has to be compiled in
- large data model or should use __saveds keyword of some compilers.
- xpkmaster.library/--data hooks-- xpkmaster.library/--data hooks--
- You have four methods of passing data to xpkmaster.library: file-
- names, filehandles, memory areas and hooks. The hooks are described
- here. The hook field h_Entry has to be standard hook functions and
- gets called with the hook itself in A0 and a pointer to a XpkIOMsg
- in A1. Commands are stored in xiom_Type field, data in the other
- fields. Return values are 0 or any of the XPKERR codes.
- Commands XIO_FREE and XIO_ABORT may be ignored.
- Whenever an error occurs, you have to return an XPKERR code and
- stop work. You get a XIO_ABORT call in this case later. When no
- error occured, return 0.
- You may store private data in the free fields of XpkIOMsg structure.
- You are always called with XIO_FREE or XIO_ABORT, so you can free
- private stuff there. Buffers can be freed, when next time a buffer
- allocation is required.
- NOTE: Because hooks are not called in program environment, they
- cannot be used in small data model of some compilers, as register
- A4 is not passed through. So the hook either has to be compiled in
- large data model or should use __saveds keyword of some compilers.
- Your hooks must be able to allocate buffers for read/write or pass
- pointers to them, when they are already allocated. There are some
- ways you have to handle this. First there is XIO_GETBUF. When getting
- this command you have to pass a memory pointer pointing to a region
- of at least xmm_Size size. For in hook there is another additionally
- method. When XIO_READ is wanted and xiom_Ptr is zero, then you have
- to pass (and allocate) a buf pointer and to fill it!
- The buffers must be valid until you are next time asked to allocate
- a buffer (either with XIO_GETBUF or XIO_READ). Then you may return
- old buffer pointer (when memory is large enough) or allocate a new
- buffer and free the old buffer. When XIO_ABORT or XIO_FREE is send
- all your buffers should be freed.
- NOTE: Your hooks do not get called only with your own buffers, but
- also with xpkmaster internally buffers!
- When your input data is already in memory, you may pass pointers
- to your memory regions and need not to allocate new memory for
- XIO_READ when pointer is zero. When xiom_Ptr is not zero for
- XIO_READ, you have to copy the data.
- Never expect, that you are called next time with buffer you
- allocated. There may be write cycles of headers and other stuff
- between XIO_GETBUF and XIO_WRITE. On reading it is equal.
- XIO_READ (in hooks only)
- This command is called all time xpkmaster.library needs some data.
- You have to fill the supplied memory area with input data of
- needed size (not more!) When the input memory pointer is zero,
- you have to allocate your own buffer and fill it. When you
- allocated a buffer before (either by XIO_GETBUF or XIO_READ) you
- can free it when pointer is zero.
- Input: xiom_Size size of required data
- xiom_Ptr already allocated buffer or zero
- Output: xiom_Ptr pointer to memory area of xiom_Size
- XIO_WRITE (out hooks only)
- This function is called, when some data was compressed and should
- be stored now. Copy the contents of buffer to your data storing
- system.
- Input: xiom_Size size of data
- xiom_Ptr pointer to memory area of xiom_Size
- Output: none
- XIO_FREE (both)
- You get this when work is finished, free all your stuff now.
- Input: none
- Output: none
- XIO_ABORT (both)
- You get this when work was aborted, because an error occured.
- Free all your stuff now.
- Input: none
- Output: none
- XIO_GETBUF (both)
- Asks you to pass a needed buffer. This buffer is not freed by
- xpkmaster.library. Do this when getting XIO_FREE, XIO_ABORT or
- the next XIO_GETBUF. Input buffers may be freed too, when
- XIO_READ is called with no pointer.
- Input: xiom_Size size of necessary buffer
- Output: xiom_Ptr pointer to the buffer
- XIO_SEEK (both)
- Change the current position in your data (like dos.library Seek
- command). When you are not able to handle seek, all better
- functions will fail. Pass XPKERR_NOFUNC in this case as return
- value. The offset you have to seek is always relative to current
- position. It can be negative too. Return value (xiom_Size) is
- same as for dos.library Seek command.
- Input: xiom_Size offset you have to seek
- Output: xiom_Size buffer position before seek
- XIO_TOTSIZE (both)
- You either have to tell the total input data size (in hook) or get
- told the total output data size (out hook).
- XIO_TOTSIZE may be ignored here. It tells you the maximum size
- of output file (the real size may be shorter). This is for
- example needed in memory hooks. This is only to inform you.
- This command never needs to return an error code.
- Input: xiom_Size total size of output data
- Output: none
- XIO_TOTSIZE cannot be ignored here. When your hook cannot
- determine the total filesize, return any of the XPKERR values.
- XIO_TOTSIZE is called only, when xpkmaster library really needs
- filesize. Normal XPK files have size information in header and
- XPK_InLen flags supplies information for input. In these cases
- XIO_TOTSIZE is not used. But when returning an XPKERR, your hook
- will not work in other cases, when size is required.
- XIO_TOSIZE is used for following cases (when no XPK_InLen is
- supplied!):
- - decrunching of all non-xpk files
- - crunching of files
- NOTE: Only the size of the part, which should be processed, is
- wanted. Most time this is from current position to end of file
- (memory), but it may be shorter. But generally you have to
- calculate size starting at current position.
- Input: none
- Output: xiom_Size total size of input data